1. Gore spends pre-9/11 passing energy bills and paving the way towards single-payer health care. Builds lots of international alliances by supporting disarmament, Kyoto, etc.Some of this rests on wishful thinking and rather tenuous assumptions. If Gore had become President, Jeffords might not have defected, and Gore might not have used 9/11 as a whacking stick in the 2002 elections, as Bush did. So Gore might have faced a rather belligerent Republican Congress, and he almost certainly would have faced a less compliant media than Bush has (at least through 2003). Plus, Pakistan would have been a tough nut to crack.
2. After 9/11, does Afghanistan—the Operation Enduring Freedom part—just like Bush did.
3. Forges doctrine of “enlightened nationalism,” whereby we push liberalism on all our foes, using force if necessary, but take every possible step to strengthen multilateral alliances. Rewrites UN security council rules, making it easier to intervene abroad.
4. Creates international counterterrorism force, involving law enforcement, sharing of intelligence, and anti-terror financial policies.
5. Uses international structure to push Pakistan into opening up its nuclear program to inspectors, and cooperating with U.S. forces in hunting down al-Qaeda.
6. After al-Qaeda eradicated and Pakistan stabilized, Gore focuses on lesser WMD threats, putting big pressure on Saddam Hussein to open country for inspection.
7. When Saddam eventually kicks inspectors out, the U.S. invades, with broad international support (Gore spends a lot of time coalition building, relying on his close ties with European leaders). Muslim nations like Pakistan and Bangladesh assist in Iraq invasion, a big propaganda coup.