The Bush Administration proposes to solve the problem by beginning with the hardest cases: the 10 percent who are severe addicts or mentally ill, and consume half of all resources devoted to homeless shelters. Mangano believes that by moving these chronic cases into "supportive housing"—a private room or apartment where they would receive support services and psychotropic medications—the government could actually save money, and free up tens of thousands of shelter beds.Douglas McGray-- the author of the article-- wonders whether liberals will oppose this strand of compassionate conservatism. I see no reason to. Andrew Cuomo, apaprently, has protested that the administration is focusing on only a special subclass of homeless people. But this sort of discrimination makes perfect sense-- as Ken Auletta showed in The Underclass, there exists a core group of intractable persons below the poverty line, those who need much more than the usual handout.