January 28, 2005

Whoever Chases Charlatans...

It had to happen sooner or later. The dangerous and not-very-well-paid job of stalking Roger Kimball has unofficially been outsourced! Kriston Capps takes up the proud tradition (begun here and here, and taken to a fierce new level here) in a great post on the sexual liberation movement. I should just add that while it may sometimes seem like these academic leftists are stupid, they're all too often not, and arguing against them requires a bit more effort than Kimball mustered up.

Oh, and while we're at it, the same goes for politicians—even the reputed dim bulbs like Jim Inhofe and Barbara Boxer are in fact quite intelligent. I bring this up only because a few days ago a couple of bloggers were mocking Ted Kennedy's proposal to expand Medicare to all uninsured Americans. Criminy. The man's been thinking seriously about public policy for longer than I've been alive; his proposals are at least worth a hearing. A Ted Kennedy-designed world might not be my ideal, but it certainly wouldn't send the country into chaos and ruin either. Though I do agree that the man's a political catastrophe...
-- Brad Plumer 1:14 PM || ||