August 03, 2005

How IED Cells Work

For a while I found John Robb's terrorism analysis at Global Guerillas pretty bewildering ("The entrepreneur did the who—? At the bazaar? In an open-source what? For the network? Oh, within the network! Right."). But today's post, an overview on how IED cells in Iraq operate, is perfectly clear—and perfectly chilling. Go read. Not surprisingly, it's nearly impossible to break these cells up: "One U.S. intelligence officer said that if you capture the leader of an IED cell, the leaderless foot soldiers simply get rolled up into another cell or start their own splinter cell." Plus, the attackers videotape most of the bombings, to study them as a coach would a football game, and improve their technique. Oy. (Of course, the military is adapting to IED attacks too; the question is who's adapting faster.)
-- Brad Plumer 8:48 PM || ||